FSS- The Break-in

When I walk into the kitchen, I notice that there is broken glass all over the floor…

Cold air drifts in through a broken window, bringing up goosebumps on my bare skin. I pull the towel tighter around me and tiptoe through the mess to peak through the smashed window pane, my heart stutters as I realise this was no accident… someone has broken in. 

I shriek as the lights turn off plunging me into darkness,  It’s probably just the storm knocking down a tower I tell myself but I don’t believe it. Frozen in fear I try to decide what to do; without my phone, without clothes, out in the elements in the dead of winter, I won’t last 10 minutes. Herb lives a mile away, I have no chance of getting there in this blizzard. The wind from the broken window plasters my wet hair against my shivering body as if to make a point. 

Where did I leave my phone? If it’s down here with me, maybe I can find it and call the police before whoever has broken in found me and… and…

Does he know I’m home? Does he know where I am? Is he watching me right now? I shiver violently and not just from the cold this time. 

Easing my way through the pitch-black kitchen, I head towards the living room to find clothes. A sudden shifting noise from above makes me jump and step on a piece of glass. “Shit” I exclaim as quietly as possible. Footsteps halt at the sound of my voice. Shit, I exclaim again, this time internally. 

With shaking hands I grab the bread knife I left on the counter and continue easing towards the living room, limping on bleeding feet. I nearly cry with relief when with numb fingers I pull on my discarded clothes and feel my phone in the hoodie pocket. 

Retreating to the downstairs toilet I lock myself in, and call the police. “We have a unit in the area dealing with the fallout of the storm, we can be with you within 5 minutes.”

Movement from above resumes as the intruder (or intruders?) Ransack the house, I huddle in the cold, dark bathroom, praying they don’t find me. 

Banging on the front door pulls another shriek from my taut body but I instantly relax as the police call out.

Finally, I am safe. 

I hear the cops stomp up the stairs finally you stupid fuckers are caught. A vicious smile overtakes my face but drops just as fast.


No one.

Who or what was in my house?!

Written for and inspired by Fandango’s Story Starter.

Thank you for reading, if you’d like to support me you could buy me a coffee.

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